What is Managed Print Services?

Find out what Managed Print Services is - and how you can use it to your advantage

In this short article we’ll tell you what Managed Print Services (MPS) is. We’ll also tell you how your company can benefit from implementing it.
Reading time is 3 minutes.

We define Managed Print Services like this:

A service where an external MPS provider will manage one or more aspects of your business printing; e.g. service and support, supply fulfillment, printers, copiers, scanners, and faxes. Working strategically with MPS will lead to a better overview of your printing environment, lower printing costs, and increased productivity.

See also the definition in Gartner Glossary.

Let’s dig deeper into Managed Print Services

In our digital world with 24/7 mobile access, email overload, and file sharing in the cloud, printing remains a vital function in most companies around the world.

But it’s very different how companies approach their printing needs and printing costs. Let’s look at a couple of numbers.

Our stats and experience tell us that almost 90 % of companies don’t track their print costs. That’s NI-NE-TY PER-CENT! A surprisingly high number, right? Especially when estimates say that printing costs make up 5-15 % of a company’s total revenue. 

In other words: There’s a lot to gain from starting to take your business printing – and Managed Print Services – seriously.

The good news is that in 2020 it has never been easier or cheaper to monitor printer use in order to:

  • Bring down printing costs
  • Minimize environmental footprint
  • Increase productivity

This is what modern Managed Print Services – and all its benefits – will do for you.

Managed Print Services Benefits - Top 5

We strongly advise every company out there to make an active choice when it comes to the company’s printing functions.

Don’t just close your eyes and accept the printer costs. There’s too much at stake – for your productivity, for the environment – and for your bottom line!

Here are the Top 5 Managed Print Services Benefits:


#1 Full visibility: Soon after implementing Managed Print Services in your business, you’ll have the full overview of your printing environment and printing costs. This will enable you to evaluate properly and make the necessary decisions regarding your printer fleet – of course with expert input from your MPS provider.

#2 Streamline the printer environment: The Managed Print Services provider has the experience and specialized knowledge to analyze and help you streamline your printer environment. There’s a lot of money to be saved by replacing inefficient printers and moving expensive local printers – and generally using the right devices for the right tasks. Not to mention the productivity boost you’ll get from placing printers in the most favorable places in the office.

#3 Automated supply delivery: Ordering ink, toner and other supplies is often both time-consuming, expensive, and error-prone if the company do it themselves. When entering an agreement with a Managed Print Services provider the supply delivery will be automated. This means less time-waste and printer downtime, cheaper supplies, and fewer wrong orders. What’s not to like?

#4 Improved productivity: Studies show that the average IT department in a company spends around 15% of its time dealing with printer issues. That’s 15% too much from our perspective. With Managed Print Services you’ll have the right print strategy for your needs – including the necessary service and support when required. And the IT department can prioritize the tasks that create value for the company instead of fixing paper jams.

#5 Savings of up to 30%: When you choose the right MPS provider, you’ll benefit from increased transparency, efficiency, and productivity as we described above. But most importantly, your company will save money. Potentially a lot of money. A study by Gartner Group shows that 10% to 30% of a company’s printing costs can be saved by implementing Managed Print Services.

Summary: Managed Print Services Companies - why use them?

In the beginning of this article we defined Managed Print Services as:

A service where an external MPS provider will manage all aspects of your business printing; including service, supplies, printers, copiers, scanners, and faxes. This will lead to a better overview of your printing environment, lower printing costs, and increased productivity.

In other words, a Managed Print Services company will deliver a complete print solution shaped to fit your company’s exact printing needs. As we’ve demonstrated above, there’s a lot to gain for companies by working strategically with a MPS solution. If you’re not doing this by now, you really should. We see it as a necessity for any modern business wanting to fulfill its potential.

To sum up, a good Managed Print Services company will give you a bird’s eye view over your printing environment and printing costs. The good MPS provider will assist you in analyzing the printer fleet and your company printing needs in order to streamline the printing environment as much as possible. 

You’ll be able increase productivity by structuring the printer fleet in the right way, by reducing printer downtime, and by freeing up employees for more important tasks. 

You’ll be able to save money by having the right devices for the rights tasks, by automating your supply delivery, and by increasing productivity.

If you want to know more about Managed Print Services we’re happy to help you out. At JetAdvice we’ve been doing this for more than 25 years. Feel free to contact us below.


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